7 Pro Training Tips to Ensure Your Dog is Well-Behaved

Training your dog to behave is a difficult yet crucial part of raising a pet. It is estimated that at least 94% of dog parents do some form of training at home.

Training your dog to be well behaved is not just important for adjustment and living inside the house; it has other benefits as well. A well-behaved dog integrates well into society, and this reduces the stress of expectations.

Training also leads to forming a daily routine, which is an excellent de-stressor for dogs. Training allows you to bond with your dog and understand each other.

Finally, training to be a well-behaved dog is the right thing to do. It benefits everyone; the pet parent, the dog, and society.

Pro Training Tips to Ensure Your Dog is Well-Behaved

Seven Pro Training Tips For Dogs

Here are our top seven training tips you can use to ensure that your dog is well behaved:

1. Begin Training Immediately                                                            

Getting your pup to behave can be a challenge at first. However, do not get discouraged. The top tip in training your dog is to start it immediately.

It would be best to start communicating the behaviour you expect from your pet as soon as you get to know them. This way, you set expectations and let your dog know how they should behave. It can be challenging to teach at first, especially when dogs have had no earlier training, but it pays off.

Puppies, in particular, are quick learners because their brains and habits are still developing. However, the saying about teaching old dogs new tricks does ring true to some extent.

2. Follow a Timetable

Developing a schedule and following a timetable helps in maintaining expectations. While you and your dog may not be able to communicate verbally, however effective communication can still be possible.

Establishing a routine is an excellent way to communicate tasks to do and the timing of each task. Your dog will learn to know when meal times are, what time you take them outside for a walk and how they need to relieve themselves during this time.

Develop a schedule that suits you. The best thing is that dogs naturally do well when following a schedule. It is less stressful for your dog if they know when to get their meals and when it is time to play.

3. Train Consistently

It is not enough to start the training early. Consistency in training is critical. Be regular in training; otherwise, your dog will not make much progress.

Consistency reinforces expectations. Lack of consistent training, on the other hand, can be very damaging. Not only does it limit your dog’s progress, but it also confuses them. Lack of consistency sends out mixed signals since your dog is not aware whether a specific behaviour will earn them a reward or not.

It can be a source of great stress and anxiety for your pet which is why being consistent is integral. It not only enables better progress but also ensures the improved well-being of your dog.

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4. Using Treats Carefully

Treats are a great way to reward your dog for good behaviour during training. It is a small prize for a job well done. Positive reinforcement of behaviour is important as it lets your dog know that they have been good.

The use of treats should be limited to training only. This means you should only reward your dog with a treat if they display good behaviour during training. Do not randomly give your dog a treat because this can interfere with the training.

Your dog must associate getting a treat with good behaviour. Otherwise, the act of giving a treat will not be a positive reinforcement for desired behaviour.

If you want to pamper your dog, instead of giving them a treat, brush them. Giving them a massage also helps. You can use the best slicker brush to brush the coat of your dog, and this will help them relax.

5. Make it Personal and Fun

Even though it is work and you are teaching your dog life skills, it should not be boring. Get your dog involved by using their name often. They should know you are calling them. Get their attention.

In addition to this, make the training fun. Turn lessons into playtime. Make your dog obey by playing a game of fetch or ‘Simon-says.’ This way, your dog will look forward to training sessions and be more obedient.

Training is a two-way street. Do not just give your dog commands or expect them to follow you blindly. Look out for your dog’s response. This way, you can better understand them.

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6. Make Training Flexible

Not every training technique will work for every kind of dog. Each dog has his or her personality. It is your job as a pet parent to learn what works and what does not. It all depends upon how your dog responds.

Training your dog is a learning experience for you as an owner. You can truly bond with your dog and know about them by doing so. Do not expect every dog to respond in the same manner. Some techniques work better than others do.

See which kinds of techniques work and develop your training based on these to achieve success.

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7. Patience and Positivity

The most important part of the training is not your pet’s progress. It is your attitude. How well your dog does is a reflection of you as a teacher. This is why you need to be patient and have a positive attitude.

Training will be hard, so remain prepared to put in a lot of effort. One thing you need to remember is that even though it might take a long time, it will be worth it in the end.

Finally, remain positive. Your dog can sense your energy, so keep an upbeat attitude. Be encouraging because slow and steady wins the race.

Follow these seven pro tips along with training techniques, and good luck with training your furry friend.

About the author

Aryan Sharma

Hello, I'm Aryan Sharma, an aspiring blogger obsessed with pets animals. I decided to start this blog in order to help people choose a right pet for themselves & for pets owners to raise a confident, fun, & happy pet.

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